Pauline-Marie Jaricot was a French laywoman. Born in 1799 in Lyon, Pauline was the youngest of 7 siblings to a Catholic family. In 1826 at the age of 27, Pauline founded the Association of the Living Rosary. She wanted to evangelize through prayer, reaching all classes in society and spreading the Gospel through meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary. The association began distributing fifteen decades of the Rosary to fifteen persons in several parishes in Lyon on Dec. 8, 1826. Every month after Sunday mass, a mystery of the Rosary was entrusted to groups of people to be prayed daily for one month. The Living Rosary Association grew rapidly in France and spread to other countries during Pauline’s lifetime and for years thereafter. The association was formally approved by Pope Gregory XVI and given canonical status on Jan. 27, 1832. Pauline died in Lyon on Jan. 9, 1862. She was declared Venerable in 1963 by Pope John XXIII and beatified on May 22, 2022.
Patron of the Living Rosary
In 1835, when Pauline was 35 years of age, she became very ill. Nearing death, she deeply desired to make a pilgrimage to the sanctuary of St. Philomena. Despite a difficult 4-month journey from her home of Lyon to the sanctuary in Naples, Pauline arrived in time for the feast day of St. Philomena and was miraculously healed through her intercession. Pope Gregory XVI recognized this as a miracle attributed to St. Philomena and named her patron of the Living Rosary.
Holy Family Parish
In our parish, we have three groups of the Living Rosary comprised of 20 people each. The Living Rosary was first established in the parish in 1955, and over the years the members have recited the Rosary every day, meditating on the 20 Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries. Like Pauline’s first groups, in our parish on every first Sunday of the month, after Eucharist, a mystery of the Rosary is entrusted to the members of the groups to be prayed daily during the month. Even though the times and membership may change, the daily prayer of the Rosary continues. That is why it is a “living” Rosary.
Our Lady of Fatima implored us to “pray the Rosary every day.” If you desire to respond to this call and wish to be part of a unique spiritual family, please consider joining. For more information please contact:
Elzbieta B. (705-942-7161) Rose of St. John Paul II (Polish)
Diana.O (705-257-1774) Rose of St. Faustina Kowalska (Polish)
Norma. L (705-256-5130) Rose of St. Andre Bessette (English)
Laurie W. (705-945-8189) Rose of St. Andre Bessette (English)
Please click the link below for the Guideslines and Benefits of saying the Living Rosary